when dead, you appear at your bind point still in shroud form. That said, I have to admit to over-all being very pleased with the shrouds. Why make this "gift" a zerker? Maybe Sony is tryin to generate interest in the base class or somethin cause they sure built a LOT of zerker shrouds, and the whole shroud line is the poorer for it. Theres a zerker shroud in just about every other of the normal shroud lines, some with 2, whereas there are only a couple of cleric shrouds for instance. Gives a LOT more life to your single character, dont it?Īnd only the toon you turn the tooth in with gets to use this shroud. Not only will you quest for gear for your normal, unshrouded self, but you'll start questing for gear for your different shrouds. In that way, Sony increases the life of each character you have. And as time goes on, that gear will get better with the release of further expansions. Figure it'll be of the same quality as that which was first available when EQ started out. I figure in an expansion or 2, they'll start introducing gear for the shrouds. I don't know of many people who shroud other than for rouge abilities (SOS and lock picking) since there are now cleric and tank merc, well even wiz and rouge ones too now, but they are helpful for doing solo steps on quests.Ĭurrently, there is no gear for the shrouds, except the stuff that is given to you when you first shroud.

But you had to drop your shroud before you could be rezzed (after you summon them), so it was a lot of zoning in and out of the GH, but if you tri-box like me, and wipe a few times a day, it would save you thousands of pp per day doing this. **No longer applies, but when shrouds 1st came out, a high lvl toon (think 65 was max) could shroud down to lvl 5 and then go buy the cheapest corpse summoning stone in the GH, and hand it in, and it would summon all the lvl 65 corpses. If you die in shroud form you do not lose xp, so if you are trying to do something that is little to no xp (like task/quest steps) but the risk of death is high, you can save yourself the loss of xp by being in shroud form. I had my alt shroud to a rouge for the MPG group trials, for the chest opening event.Ĥ. Also keeping with a rouge shroud, some times you just need a lock picker, and there isn't one around, so you can do it. some quests you just need to go to a location, or pick up a ground spawn, or even just do a hand in, but the zone is very difficult you are trying to solo, a goblin (rouge) shroud allows you stealth abilities that most mobs that can see invis will not be able to see you.ģ. high level toons can shroud down to group with lower levels and not mess up the xpĢ. For the most part, shrouds benefits are.ġ.

I realize this response is years later, but thought someone new might find this helpful. As with any spirit shroud, simply say "remove" to a Shroudkeeper to return to your normal form. You have now unlocked and may use the Runed Gargoyle spirit shroud. As the creature steps back with what could pass for a smirk, you hear a quiet voice in your head "Join us.
The creature smears the blood on its finger and uses it to trace a series of runes across your forehead. You wince slightly as its claw scratches your arm, leaving a trickle of blood. Its eyes fall on you and it lunges forward taking your hand. He twitches his jaw back and forth for a moment until satisfied with the tooth's placement. With a bone chattering screech it places the tooth into the mouth and rams it into the gaping socket. Kalon Corsan's eyes brighten slightly as you hand it the tooth. It opens its mouth to hiss and you notice that the creature is missing one of its fangs. Kalon Corsan glares at you with thinly veiled madness in its eyes. Then go find Kalon Corsan in the evil side of the Plane of Knowledge at -825, +810. One of the items you can /claim if you purchased the Depths of Darkhollow expansion is the Runed Gargoyle Tooth (type "/claim #" to claim it, where "#" depends on the number of items you have claimed or can claim on the current account).